Does 17-year old dirt matter?
I find it interesting that the only defense for the Brad Wall/Tom Lukiwski thing is "but, but was 17-years ago, who cares? Move on."
Except the Sask Party are the masters of dredging up 17-year-old dirt:
Where were all the people who are defending Tom and Brad today with the 17-years-ago defense back then?
In 1992, then NDP caucus employee Ann Lord (Ann Davey) wrote a letter to NDP caucus chair MLA Glenn Hagel and NDP Caucus Chief of Staff Jim Fodey detailing how she had defrauded the caucus office by inflating cheques payable to her.
Oh that's right, they were screaming for blood.
Unless you can point to comments you made last year about the NDP 16-years-ago-scandal condemning the Sask Party for dredging up the past: then shut the hell up about 17-years-ago today.
Good question Mouse, in the same vein, care to defend Tommy Douglas thesis on Eugenics as it applies to mentally challenged individulas?
If Tommy was alive today, I would ask him to apologize for those comments.
If he also had a track-record of voting against civil rights then I would ask him to resign.
The difference is Tommy had a track record of defending human rights. Therefore I have no problem believing that were he alive today he would be a defender of same-sex marriage.
Also, if Lukwiski had come forward and said "I was homophobic in the past, but now I accept that is wrong and I no longer am" then I would forgive him.
But to claim he never held those views, when there is clear evidence that he did - that's why he still need to go.
Again you draw intent from a media source...just like you did here:
Seems very appearant to me that the Left has no real plans for a real opposition other than to drag people through the mud.
Rather than debate progress, you would rather discuss the past. Like Lorne's last provincial campaign, it's back to the future! Ho hum, drivel, yawn....moving on without you...
Touche! One for the mouse!
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