"Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!"
-Homer J. Simpson

Friday, September 08, 2006

Blogging Tories and Oil and Bryan Thomas

I was reading BigCityLib this morning (with his coverage of DeSmogBlog) and it occurred to me that I had heard of this group “The friends of science” before.

Yep. It turns out that a “a controversial conservative adman” will soon be lobbying on behalf
of The Friends of Science, which is “an action group opposed to the Kyoto Accord.”

His name: Bryan Thomas

We in Saskatchewan will remember Bryan Thomas because he worked for the Saskatchewan Party (our conservative party) in the 1999 election campaign.

To quote from a newspaper at the time:

Then last week came Bryan Thomas The Saskatchewan Party's advertising consultant said "wedge issue" ads were possible . And then came the kicker statement: "The name of the game is to find out that 20 per cent to 30 per cent, to find out who they are and to get inside their wee little heads and to find some way to reach out to them." Thomas was forced to resign and Hermanson went into damage control.
Source: Prince Albert Daily Herald, Sep 7th 1999, Pg 4

He also worked for a couple of other right-wing groups:

  • He was a co-chair of the Ontario United Alternative Commission
Source: Toronto Star, July 30, 1999 pg 1
  • He was the Ad-Man for Stockwell Day
Source: Edmonton Journal, Jan 24, 2001 pg A12

  • He was the Reform Party’s “Marketing and Advertising Specialist” Responsible for the infamous “lines through the Quebec politican’s faces” ad
Source: Toronto Star, May 29, 1998
  • He was the president of London, Ontario agency that produced the advertising campaign for Ontario Premier Mike Harris's Common Sense Revolution

Remember the name Bryan Thomas. I will bet you dollars to donuts he shows up for the next Saskatchewan Election


John M Reynolds said...

People who say that man made green house gases are making climate change use a chart by GRID, among other sources, to explain their case. The more I look at the GRID chart, found on the http://thiver.wordpress.com/2006/03/04/simple-proof-that-global-warming-is-a-fact/ page as well as many other sites, the more interesting things I notice. Look at 130,000 to 120,000 years before present. The temperature dropped while the CO2 concentration remained high. Look at the past 10,000 years that shows CO2 rising even though the temperature has been stable. Around 70,000 years ago, the CO2 spiked while the temperature continued to decrease. The http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2005/11/650000-years-of-greenhouse-gas-concentrations/ page has more recently obtained data from the Vostok ice cores that go back 650,000 years now. It too has a chart (just before the comments section) that is similar to the Grid chart. It shows that 420,000 years ago, the CO2 level rose before the temperature then stayed high after the temperature dropped. This tells me that the greenhouse effect is minimal if at all existant on a global scale. If this is wrong, then I would love for someone to be able to explain it to me. Does anyone have the answer?

John M Reynolds

Giant Political Mouse said...

See the answer on the original blog