"Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!"
-Homer J. Simpson

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Is Coner Gas Ending?

I can't figure this out. I read this from the Edmonton Journal:

Corner Gas, the hit comedy about a the quirky characters living in a fictitious Saskatchewan town, is closing shop.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper will make a guest appearance on next week’s final episode.

In a news release today, CTV says the series will air its last episode March 12 with Brent closing his gas station and Lacy leaving the Ruby and moving back to Toronto.

And this looks pretty final to me

But there is this that sort of gives me hope that all is not lost.

Anyone heard any more about this that me?

1 comment:

ReginaRadio said...

It's NOT ending. It's a season finale. They're weeks away from starting filming on a new season. The scripts are being finalized as we speak. You can take that to the bank.