"Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!"
-Homer J. Simpson

Monday, March 05, 2007

On the NDP Blogging Controversy

So based on this post the person who runs the blogging dippers aggregator seems to have ignited a firestorm of protest across the blogosphere. Most notably from Liberals (who might, just might, not have the NDP's best interests at heart) such as Cherniak and Kinsellsa

Normaly I would say that this is the libblogers traditional overt-the-top rhetoric towards the NDP, I mean, Jason "the NDP is sick" Cherniak is not exactly our best friend, right?

But now the federal party went and got involved.

Jason now has a copy of a letter from the President of the federal party wherein she says the following:

I am writing in regard to some highly offensive comments that appear on a blog operated by Robert McClelland The statements allegedly made by Mr. McClelland are repugnant and in no way represent the views of our Party.

I want to assure you that the New Democratic Party of Canada, its provincial sections and local riding associations are not affiliated with Mr. McClelland or his independently operated blogroll, the "blogging dippers"

The NDP is undertaking the development of a new blog roll that better reflects the views and needs of the New Democrats in the blogosphere

So here's is what pisses me off. Robert goes out of his way to admit that he is not affiliated with the NDP (and rightfully so) .

However, even though I disagree with his speech, he has done a service for the blogging dipper community.

The fact that I had to find out about this from a Liberal web page, from an anti-ndp liberal blogger goes to show me that the federal NDP just doesn't get it.

They couldn't find ONE SINGLE NDP BLOGGER TO POST THIS?!!!???!!!??

Good luck getting a party blog site started when you treat the actual bloggers of your party like crap guys!

Robert deserved to get at least a copy of the letter cc'ed to him and the rest of the blogging dippers deserved a heads up.

Update: Some other blogging dippers have gotten in no the act and most are of a similar line to me. Canadian Observer points out that Cherniak is silly and takes a shot at the Party President

Northern BC Dipper also points out the hypocracy of Cherniak but doesn't address the the Federal Party's involvement

the bigwigs in the blogosphere all weight in here

And then there is some more here, here here and here

Uperdate: And still some more, and more, but the best quote comes from a comment in Cherniak's post:

Dammit, Cherniak, things are rocky enough right now without up-thrusting young Liberals trying to make cheap political hay out of this mess, and defensive NDP officials going nuts on us.

You let us progressives clean house, as most assuredly we will. Just stop telling us what to do. We don't need you or Anne McGrath trying to make the Blogging Dippers crowd collectively responsible for the outrageous comments of one blogger. (I'm not a BDer myself, incidentally.)

Anne's announced intention to set up a new NDP blogroll, with her innuendo about the Blogging Dippers, is unconscionable. Her reaction may delight you, and shore up some political support at the same time, but there's a lot of mud in the air at the moment, flung at a lot of decent people, and it would be nice if that sort of thing were to cease.

The last thing we need is widening the loop on this, to take in the NDP brass, the Liberal Party and the Canadian Jewish Congress. I'm amazed the starboard side of the blogosphere hasn't been eating this one for lunch already, but thanks to you and Anne, it'll be any minute now. Then we'll all wear this crap. Thanks a bunch.
Again, I would like to point our that this debate could be happing on an NDP blog with links incoming and traffic broadening if the NDP would USE THEIR OWN BLOGGERS INSTEAD OF GIVING LIBERAL BLOGS THE SCOOPS.

Even more uperdate: So Northern BC dipper (to his credit) is trying to make some positive suggestions to move forward. See, now that didn't take long before blogging dippers started weighing in and trying to fix things, but the Federal Party has put a kybosh on that by saying (to the media and liberal bloggers before talking to us) that they are creating their own blogroll.

So now what can we do but wait and see what the geniuses at federal office are going to come up with?



leftdog said...

I have decided to do a post on the pending murder of bunnies in order to stay out of this little tif.....

Jason Cherniak said...

Perhaps if Blogging Dippers had spoken out against McClelland in the past, then they would have been fed to the story.

To be fair to your party, though, none of the NDP bloggers have a readership equivalent to me or Kinsella. I know this because a link from Robert gives me about 60 hits. When I link to something, it is more like 1000. The NDP's goal - and job - was to diffuse the story as fast as possible. Just imagine the next step, which would have been for a Liberal MP to call on Layton to act.

Finally, and I really hope you will believe that I am sincere, consider why NDP blogs have such low readership. While I think I have done a service for the Jewish Community in Canada and am proud to have done it, I suspect that I have helped the NDP much more than I have helped the Liberal Party today.

Richard said...

The NDP didn't give the Libloggers anything. Their letter was addressed to the leader of a Jewish group who, I assume, voiced concerns. Jason then received a copy from the recipient. If you're going to blame anyone, blame the Jewish group for releasing the letter to the public domain...

janfromthebruce said...

Jason said, "I suspect that I have helped the NDP much more than I have helped the Liberal Party today." LOL
Right, and Jason C. had nothing to do with the smearing of Ont NDP candidate/now elected Ont NDP MPP Cherry DeNova as a nut, a pediphile loving socialist, and so on. Please quit helping the NDP Jason because we all know how you love to help. I have seen lots of self serving comments, but your last, based on all your virtue, made me want to puck. Robert's comment was wrong, but your reaction and bringing it into the bigger political sphere is nothing more than political gameship and big politics. Still smarting after DeNova win are you? All your slim is still sticking to you in blog-a-sphere no matter how many self-serving posts you make.

Jason Cherniak said...

No, Richard, it was from the NDP. I don't know the recipient and have no contact with him.

Art said...

Cherniak is an odious troll of the worst sort, and I hold him in nothing but contempt.

But, as the saying goes, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Roberts comments (the ones about not sweating 'when they come for the jews' were wayyyy over the top. And while he may not be affiliated with the party, it looks that way to casual observers.

I'm glad the party responded quickly. I wish Robert would apologize for those comments.

Jacques Beau Vert said...

Jason's a slime machine, but on this, he is right - if the BDers had spoken out against McClellan before now, then it wouldn't have been left to him.

You're a smart person, GPM, and I always like to read your insights and thoughts. And, it hurts to say that a guy who dreams of being the Karl Rove of the Liberal Party is right. But Northern BC Dipper is wrong when he scoffs that Cherniak could have let progressives clean house themselves - they had the chance, and didn't bother.

My disagreement doesn't mean I hold you in any less esteem.

Mike said...

Well I tried a defense of Robert over at Jason's place, but sadly Robert himself made it nearly impossible. Every time it appeared I had gotten through to someone, a quick look at the original thread showed Robert being buddy-buddy with the slime 'aurthurdecco' that caused this in the first place. That just undercut me and made me look foolish and I won't do it anymore.

Frankly, given Jason's past BS attacks on the NDP, I quite frankly think that he is doing this for Rovian reasons - using the cudgel of anti-semitism as a weapon to attack his opponents and political enemies. I think his self-congratulatory post shows that. Anything for political advantage to the Liberals, especially when his guy, Dion is looking so silly in front of the Conservatives. But Robert gave him all the ammo he needed and kept giving it to him, even when his friends and fellow bloggers tried to talk him down. He could have diffused this very early on, but didn't. I don't think Robert is anti-semitic at all, but he sure doesn't help his on case. Right now he has very little sympathy from me.

This whole, disgusting affair is just another example of why I am not longer support any party, and have turned to anarchism.

And a word of warning - read Jason's comment here and his "Why I did it" post. He quite proudly states how he managed to do this in under 12 hours and how he could have gone farther with a few phone calls. He is demonstrating how easily he can destroy the life of someone he chooses to. That is a lot of power for someone to wield. This was entirely too easy for him to do, considering the seriousness of the charge.

A major annoyance like Robert might now be gone or silenced, but right now I think Jason is one of the most dangerous people in the political blogshpere. Don't cross him, because he can fuck you up, as this incident clearly shows.

Saskboy said...

"A major annoyance like Robert might now be gone or silenced, but right now I think Jason is one of the most dangerous people in the political blogshpere. Don't cross him, because he can fuck you up, as this incident clearly shows."

Unfortunately there are people with even fewer qualms about sliming people - whether they make a foolish embittered remark, or not.

Candace said...

I would have to say that I and JC agree about, on average, 1% of the time, if that. And that is usually on RC's ridiculous comments.

When I was included in RC's "Canadian Blogging Awards" and declined because of his original F* the Jews post, I was chastised by many NDP & generally-left-wing bloggers for "not understanding the nuances" and that I shouldn't deny blah blah blah.

You guys need to recognize the difference between self-righteous stupidity (defending the indefensible) and a moral stand.

Sooner rather than later would be a good thing.

OK, that's my 1% for the year, thank God.